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How to Choose the Right Cat Breed for Your Lifestyle and Personality

Cat breed

The first step to choosing the right cat breed for your lifestyle is to consider how much time and attention you want to devote to your pet. There are two main types of cats: lap cats and roamers. A lap cat will be happy spending most of its time indoors, while a roamer will be content exploring outside.
If you’re looking for an independent pet who can entertain himself while you’re away at work or school, consider adopting a self-sufficient breed like the Bengal or Siamese (or one of their crossbreeds). However, if you want a cuddly companion who wants nothing more than snuggles on the couch every night after dinner–and maybe even during dinner–then go with an affectionate breed such as Persian or Ragdoll instead!


You’ll also want to consider each breed’s personality. If you’re looking for an outgoing cat that will be interested in playing with you, look at breeds like the Maine Coon or Ragdoll. On the other hand, if your lifestyle is more sedentary and you want a lap cat who will curl up next to you while watching TV or reading a book, Persians or Himalayan cats may suit your needs better.

Activity Level

  • Choose a breed that matches your activity level.
  • Research the breed’s exercise needs.
  • Ask yourself if you have the time and energy to keep up with the breed’s activity level.


If you have limited living space, consider a smaller breed. Smaller cats are also better suited to apartment life and tend to be less destructive than their larger counterparts. However, if you’re looking for a cat that can keep up with your active lifestyle and play with the kids, then bigger is better!
If adopting an adult cat or kitten from a shelter or rescue organization, research its personality traits before making your decision. Some breeds are known for being more affectionate than others; some are more independent; still others may not tolerate children or other pets well at all–so it’s important that you know what kind of personality traits the breed has before bringing one home with you!


Grooming is a major factor to consider when choosing a cat breed. Short-haired cats require minimal grooming, while long-haired cats need regular brushing and grooming. If you’re looking for an indoor-only lifestyle, consider breeds that are better suited for this environment–they’ll be less likely to shed hair all over your furniture!


As you research cat breeds, pay attention to the health issues that are common among them. Some breeds are prone to certain genetic diseases, and others have a high incidence of certain cancers or other medical conditions. For example, Persians are prone to kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a heart condition). If you’re considering adopting a Persian kitten or adult cat but don’t want to deal with these health problems down the road, then perhaps another breed would be better suited for your lifestyle and personality.
You should also ask about the parents’ health when meeting with breeders who advertise purebred cats for sale online or at local shelters–the breeder should know whether either parent has any known health problems that may affect their offspring as well!


  • Research the cost of the breed.
  • Consider the cost of food, vet visits and other supplies.
  • Ask the breeder about the cost of the cat.


If you’re looking for a cat that will fit into your lifestyle, consider adopting an adult cat. Kittens require more attention and training than adult cats do–and if everyone in the family works full-time, they may not be able to give one enough time each day. If you’re considering adopting two kittens (which is often recommended), think about whether or not someone can stay home with them while everyone else is away at work.


When you’re looking for a cat breed, it’s important to consider their temperament. Cats can vary widely in their personality, so you should research the breed’s personality traits before deciding whether or not they’re right for you.
For example, if you want a cat that gets along well with children and other animals, this might not be the best choice. Similarly if you live alone or have no other pets at home then perhaps another breed would be better suited for your lifestyle.

  • Consider the breed’s personality. Some cats are more active and energetic than others, so if you’re looking for a lap cat that will sit on your lap all day, consider adopting an affectionate Persian or Maine Coon. On the other hand, if you want a cat who enjoys playing with toys and climbing trees, look into getting a Siamese or Abyssinian.
  • Think about your lifestyle and what kind of home environment you have available for your new pet: Do you live in an apartment? Do you have kids? Are there other pets in your household (or soon-to-be)? If so, think about how well they’ll get along with each other before bringing another animal into the mix!
  • Consider size–especially if this is going to be an indoor pet only–and grooming needs when choosing between breeds like Devon Rexes vs Sphynx cats; both are hairless but require different levels of maintenance depending upon their coat type (the Devon has more fur while Sphynx has none). Also keep health issues like allergies in mind while researching breeds because some breeds may not be compatible with certain lifestyles due to their predisposition towards certain health problems such as kidney failure or heart disease.”

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