Urban Gardening
10 Best Indoor Plants for Clean Air and Easy Maintenance
Indoor plants are a great way to improve the air quality in your home. They can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and even make you healthier.
Indoor plants come in all shapes and sizes–from tiny succulents to large tropical foliage–and each one has its own benefits for you and your family. Some of them require more maintenance than others (like watering), but many are easy-care plants that don’t need much attention at all!
Snake Plant
The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or sansevieria, is a hardy indoor plant that can thrive in low light conditions. It has thick leaves that resemble the shape of a tongue and grow upright. The leaves are dark green on top with lighter green stripes along their length.
The snake plant helps clean the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide from your home’s atmosphere. It also filters out xylene–a chemical found in petroleum products such as paint thinners and cleaning solvents–which can cause headaches if you breathe too much of it over time.
- Benefits: This easy-to-care-for houseplant is ideal for people who don’t have much time to spend caring for plants because it requires only moderate watering once every week or two (or less). You’ll get even more benefits if you place several together in one room; this will create an even bigger effect on improving indoor air quality!
- Care instructions: Snake plants prefer bright indirect sunlight but can tolerate low light conditions as well; just make sure there isn’t any direct sun shining on them at all times during the day so they don’t burn up! Keep soil evenly moist but not soggy wet at all times; allow soil surface dry out between waterings completely before adding more water again though – this will help prevent root rot disease from occurring later down line which could kill off entire colonies within months’ time!!
Spider Plant
Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow and maintain. They’re also one of the best for purifying your air, making them a perfect choice for anyone who wants an indoor plant but doesn’t have much time or experience with gardening.
The spider plant’s leaves will grow in a web-like pattern, creating an attractive centerpiece in any room. The plant itself can grow up to 3 feet tall, so it’s perfect for hanging baskets or planters on your windowsill or bookshelf (or anywhere else you want some extra greenery).
Spider plants thrive in bright indirect sunlight — they’ll do okay without direct sun as long as they get at least four hours each day–but if you live somewhere with less than ideal light conditions, consider supplementing with artificial lighting like this one from Amazon that has built-in sensors that automatically adjust brightness based on ambient light levels so you never have to worry about overdoing it!
Peace Lily
Peace Lily
The peace lily is one of the easiest indoor plants to care for, making it a great choice if you’re just starting out with indoor gardening. It’s also one of the best plants for improving air quality in your home or office. Peace lilies remove airborne toxins like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene from the air by converting them into water vapor through their leaves’ photosynthesis process. These toxins are often found in common household items such as flooring materials (parquet), furniture polish and paint strippers; they can also come from tobacco smoke or burning candles–you know how much we love candles here at Apartment Therapy!
The peace lily does not require much light or water once established (about once every two weeks), so don’t worry about overwatering this guy! If you’re looking for something with a little more personality than just plain green leaves, try pairing it with another plant like an aloe vera succulent that will complement its color scheme nicely while adding some additional greenery to your space too!
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a succulent that produces large leaves with a thick, fleshy texture. The leaves grow in clusters at the base of the plant and can reach up to 3 feet tall. Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal plant because of its ability to heal wounds and help relieve pain from burns, cuts and sunburns.
Aloe Vera Benefits:
- Cleans indoor air by removing toxins like benzene and formaldehyde
- Reduces stress levels by producing oxygen at night when you’re sleeping
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palms are a great choice for your indoor space. They’re easy to care for, they look great and they can help remove pollutants from the air in your home.
Bamboo palms are native to tropical climates, but they’re also grown as houseplants all over the world because of their hardy nature and lush appearance. These plants have glossy green leaves that grow up to 4 feet long on thick stems with a bulbous base at the bottom. The leaves are leathery and have serrated edges; some varieties have yellow or white lines running down their length (like veins).
The bamboo palm is considered an excellent air purifier because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while releasing oxygen back into it–something called photosynthesis! This process also removes other harmful chemicals like formaldehyde from indoor air pollution sources like paint fumes or cleaning products used around your home every day by converting them into harmless substances like water vapor instead of allowing them to stay in circulation where they could cause harm later on down the road when breathed in again by humans who may not realize how dangerous those chemicals actually were before being exposed through contact with something else such as furniture made out of particleboard during construction projects involving these materials.”
English Ivy
English ivy is a popular houseplant because of its low maintenance, adaptability and hardiness. It’s also known for being able to clean the air in your home. The plant will thrive on neglect, so you don’t have to worry about watering it often or pruning it back when it gets too big for your space.
The only real care requirement is that you make sure to keep the soil damp at all times, but not soggy (you’ll know if they’re too wet). If you forget and let them dry out completely, they’ll likely survive anyway–they’re tough plants! And if the leaves start turning brown or yellow? Just cut those off; new ones will grow in their place within a few weeks’ time (or sooner).
English ivy can be purchased at most garden centers or online retailers like Amazon and Home Depot for around $10-$20 per plant depending on size/quantity ordered
Weeping Fig
The weeping fig is a popular indoor plant because it’s easy to care for, can grow in low light and has a striking appearance. It’s also one of the best plants for filtering out formaldehyde, which is found in many household products such as carpeting and furniture upholstery (and even some clothing).
The weeping fig’s leaves are glossy green with purple undersides that turn red when exposed to direct sunlight. The plant grows upright with an arching trunk; when it reaches about 2 feet tall, you can cut back its top growth to encourage new growth from below–this process will also help keep your plant compact and healthy. Weeping figs don’t need much water but do appreciate being watered regularly during their growing season (spring through fall).
Rubber Plant
Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are a great choice for those who want an indoor plant that’s easy to care for. They’re also one of the best-known air purifiers, so if you have one in your home or office, it will help keep things clean. These plants do well in low light and don’t require much watering–just make sure not to overdo it!
Rubber plants like humidity levels between 40% and 50%, so they should be kept near a window with plenty of light but no direct sunlight (which could burn them). Watering should be done once every week or two; always let the soil dry out between waterings. If you notice yellowing leaves on your rubber plant, try increasing its humidity level by misting with water daily until new growth appears again.
Jade Plant
Jade plant is one of the best indoor plants for clean air. It’s also easy to care for and will thrive in most homes.
Jade plants are native to South Africa, but they can be found growing all over the world today. They’re drought tolerant and don’t need much water or fertilizer to thrive–a perfect choice if you live in an apartment with a less than ideal climate!
Jade plant leaves are thick and succulent, making them look like little green hands reaching up towards the sun (or whatever light source they have). You’ll find that this plant grows slowly but steadily over time; when it reaches its full size (which may take several years), it will start developing small white flowers along its branches that bloom in springtime before turning into fruit-like capsules filled with seeds at maturity.
Indoor plants have many benefits. They can help you relax, improve air quality and even boost your mood.
- They’re easy to care for: Indoor plants don’t need much attention, so they’re perfect for busy people who don’t have time to take care of a pet or garden. All you have to do is water them once a week (or more if the soil feels dry). If you want your indoor plant life to thrive, try adding some fertilizer once every few months.
- They improve air quality: Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air–which means they can help purify it! The best part? It doesn’t matter where in your home these little guys grow–they’ll still filter out toxins like formaldehyde from furniture finishes or benzene from new carpets while also removing dust particles from the atmosphere through transpiration processes (the process by which water evaporates from leaves).